
Client’s objections

  • Author: M.V. Plehanova
  • 20.11.2022
  • Blog

How to recognize deception?

A personal trainer constantly has to work with the objections of clients. One of the main tasks of the trainer is to recognize a false objection of the client in a timely manner. Clients often hide the true reason for their refusal or doubts, coming up with various objections, which at that moment seem to them a salvation in the current situation.

To work with the client’s objections, first of all, you need to determine the sequence of actions:

  1. We receive an objection;
  2. We listen carefully and to the end to the client’s objection;
  3. We define false or true;
  4. We express our consent. But! Not with what the client says, but with the fact that he has the right to think so;
  5. We are working out the objection.

The biggest difficulty is often caused by point # 3. It is difficult for a coach, especially a beginner, to determine at the first stage whether the client expresses a true or false objection. In order not to make a mistake, it is important when communicating not only to listen carefully to the client, but also to follow him (facial expressions, gestures, poses, etc.). However, it is impossible to draw a conclusion from your first suspicion of the words or actions of the client. To output, you need to find at least 5 indicators (markers) of behavior that will indicate suspicious behavior of the client.

The main markers of deception:

  1. Microexpressions;
  2. Hiding one emotion at the expense of another;
  3. Eye contact.

It is important to pay attention to the verbal markers of deception:

  1. Misspeaches;
  2. Loss of speech speed, insertion of unnecessary words and sounds into speech;
  3. Repetition of the same thing in speech;
  4. Changes in the voice (unnatural, tense, etc.).

Also, do not forget about your intuition, our brain records lies very clearly. If there is a suspicion or doubt, it is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of the client, to his speech and analyze other markers of deception. Often the person himself prevents his intuition from correctly assessing the situation, including various excuses and explanations in the current situation.

Important aspects when working with a client who expresses an objection:

  1. The more expensive the cost of your training, the higher the probability that a person will come up with false objections. Feature: having expressed his false objection, the client will also expect deception from you.
  2. The less your appearance corresponds to the service you offer, or you have a bad reputation, the more likely customers will lie to you. Feature: in this case, the client will not feel guilty that he is deceiving you.
  3. If you show the client in a conversation that the truth is important to you, then the client will behave more honestly. Feature: your honesty with the client = the honesty of the client with you.
  4. A client who tells a lie has already faced deception in his direction. Feature: in this case, the client will never blame himself for lying.
  5. Always tell the client about the problem accurately and directly. Feature: ask directly about the problem, otherwise the client will hide the truth.
  6. Ask open-ended questions to the client. Feature: one (important) question should be asked several times and in different formulations.

When answering a suggestion or a question from a trainer, the client may distort reality or miss part of the truth, only for his convenience and comfort. Perhaps the client wants to appear better, or he is afraid of condemnation from the coach or is embarrassed to tell the truth. It is important to build a trusting relationship with the client in order to avoid distrust or deception that interfere with achieving results, building long-term and trusting relationships.
Always watch your customers carefully, catch signals in behavior and speech, all the information we need is already in our client.