
Relevance of the concept of health risk factors in fitness

  • Author: A. Babalyan
  • 19.11.2022
  • Blog

The risk factor, despite the clarity of the term itself, is a very complex concept. But it’s easy to explain with a simple example.

Imagine that you are driving along a winding road. In dry weather, without speed violations, with fences along the edge and during daylight hours. Is a winding road more dangerous than a straight road? Of course, but subject to the above conditions, not really. What if the barriers are removed? What if you go at night? And even in the rain. And finally, speeding by 15 km/h? With the addition of each new condition, something changes in the situation, right? The risk of getting into an accident increases. None of these factors is capable of being the cause of an accident in a normal situation by itself, but it increases the risk. And the more risk factors, the more likely the occurrence of the event. That is why common sense tells us to drive slower, not faster on such a road in the rain at night. After all, we cannot change the weather or the time of day (although it is often possible to choose the time for the trip), but speed is in our power.

The same principle works in medicine and healthcare. There are risk factors (genetics, for example) which cannot be changed in any way. And if everyone “in the family” has high cholesterol, there have been cases of atherosclerosis and its complications (myocardial infarction,sv stroke), then this is already a given. But here a sound approach is not to increase the risks by consuming 2-3 chicken eggs every morning for breakfast – this is already directly in the hands of the person himself. Everyone himself must weigh the risks known to him and the expected benefit or pleasure.
The key word in the whole article is “known”. Not all people know even a small part of the health risks. Here we need a person who is knowledgeable – a coach.

The sphere of fitness is closely connected with the motor activity of a person, the coach organizes, plans and controls it. But the risk factor for a large number of serious diseases is banal inactivity, that is, lack of physical activity. And against the background of its organization, people try to observe the regime of work, rest and sleep, which is also the elimination of risk factors (lack of sleep and overwork). A little later, normalization of nutrition and rejection of bad habits are usually added. The more educated a coach is in his field, the more risk factors he can identify.

Conclusions: at the moment, the most promising specialist in the field of fitness is the one who will be closely engaged in eliminating risk factors in his work, understanding the importance of what has been considered. His work will reduce the likelihood of the development or progress of chronic diseases. This is the most relevant link of prevention and an important mission of every Fitness College graduate.